SELECT * FROM voice_compaign_summary WHERE compaign_id='1236' LIMIT 1
before elastic get data 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after elastic get data 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before elastic new get data 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pmbelow is user whitelist data

 after elastic new get data 

 after elastic get data 

05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm alloted_apis_json--[{"cli":"","g_id":"32"}]

alloted api array 

    [0] => Array
            [cli] => 
            [g_id] => 32


    [0] => 32

 before elastic get data 

05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm

 after elastic get data 

05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm

 before elastic get data 

05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm

 after elastic get data 

05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm

 before elastic get data 

05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm

 after elastic get data 

05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
SELECT * FROM `contacts_temp_group_823` where group_id in(823) group by mobile_number order by contact_id LIMIT 0,241 compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign 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compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not 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id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new compaign id not set new DND FILTERING YES {"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"terms":{"Mobile":[9880669796,9886626489,9901470591,9449634972,9945955879,9449523108,9880358308,9916420440,9845855874,9448327567,9741323006,9880683576,9591422210,9880756491,7760696462,8197616203,9845088515,9994907803,9886409437,9740089380,9620655388,9845803835,9741525677,9845754515,9538888835,9538882180,7387737776,9448938701,9845881651,9035965332,9164616461,9980856470,9845732732,9894083125,9620074688,9972730437,9900700442,9686691617,7760523244,9980056132,9632557878,9986016544,8050809526,9108108002,9945690044,8553895281,9663977115,8123275234,9980520196,9880366322,9980027955,6360599831,9535151166,9886151230,9987669994,9241343554,9980451080,9845072401,9845511748,9916170303,9845216260,9341041810,9900518357,9986362630,9900128530,9880090086,8861926834,9611924610,9818002382,9731772048,9880710492,9845067037,7448750001,9742221317,9972255158,9866102741,9916144000,9916510998,9845210707,9980932550,9945564021,9731200218,9845299880,9849424949,9900417712,9972577533,8095367001,9740773322,9448388281,9818729898,8978300150,9342027569,9844136981,9910226176,7358196035,9845283693,9611385640,9448845906,9663619191,9886881000,9880550858,9820233136,9844546250,9731933288,9810427937,9972244246,9886869906,7795477725,9886327500,9958044998,9900876055,9538505090,7899505098,9741199663,9148708990,9449337111,8197933555,9818885917,7411186640,9880147000,9980529885,9836377760,9845181025,9000765466,9740090222,9845021301,9535717003,9886177879,8197332795,8548899993,9980034676,9535108016,9742297444,9880228489,8310680091,7338273019,9379996058,9448827377,9972916891,9686661179,8553004008,9854755166,9449852306,8867338008,9740304578,9538775008,9741638445,9048849894,9686485051,9986699132,6362253720,9880580196,9148565853,9769543337,9341253711,9739586350,8971491450,8073401881,9448900783,9739700199,9620795558,7899764230,7090000426,7022801102,9448639799,9972433077,9880149410,9663872258,9845471569,9833974420,9448831328,7411665672,9606061501,8722299577,7019499894,9980426786,9686380818,9535694912,7349071270,9964041634,9448469935,9880370951,9620210483,8105041794,9845308737,9535144518,9449070737,9886021032,9945210405,9448904927,8975762114,7259260503,9972978802,9686079563,9920355139,9632042244,9980163630,9449619340,9886192779,9560399977,7975442560,9731022886,6362583430,9986866641,9980327729,9535802222,8050570000,9741266133,7349700333,9880207071,9886694492,9880526113,9620212548,8281464593,9535887764,9900101167,8073256844,9965612342,9112589746,8951776222,9900602991,9036666846,7760528132,8861555532,7899619449,9480423703,7760007755,9448290674,9972243800,9663277420,8050312039,9900108988,9448073813,9886418794,9986077432,8762469770,9343935341,7760944225,9880948155,9844208584,9243460968]}}]}}} before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9880669796', 'p', '32', '0', '','PRABHU','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9886626489', 'p', '32', '0', '','SAJEDA FATHIMA','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9901470591', 'p', '32', '0', '','UMESH.A','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9449634972', 'p', '32', '0', '','MR V S KIRAN','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9945955879', 'p', '32', '0', '','HEMANTH M N','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9449523108', 'p', '32', '0', '','M S JAGADISH','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9880358308', 'p', '32', '0', '','USHA PALLAVI BALLAL','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9916420440', 'p', '32', '0', '','H ABDUL KHADAR','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9845855874', 'p', '32', '0', '','MRS NOORUNNISA','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9448327567', 'p', '32', '0', '','MR U SEETHARAMA NAYAK','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9741323006', 'p', '32', '0', '','MR ATUL K BHONGLE','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9880683576', 'p', '32', '0', '','DR VINITHA ANNETTE MABEN','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9591422210', 'p', '32', '0', '','MR RAMESH PADAMANNA HIPPARAGI','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9880756491', 'p', '32', '0', '','MR GIRIMALLESHWAR M GANIGI','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','7760696462', 'p', '32', '0', '','SREEKANTH S','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','8197616203', 'p', '32', '0', '','KRISHNA KISHORE S','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9845088515', 'p', '32', '0', '','DR CHRISTINA GELLKNIGHT','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9994907803', 'p', '32', '0', '','R SHANKARA NARAYANAN','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9886409437', 'p', '32', '0', '','M/S DATASOL INNOVATIVE LABS','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9740089380', 'p', '32', '0', '','JAYA SANKAR N','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9620655388', 'p', '32', '0', '','GADICHERLA SANTOSHI KIRANMAYI','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9845803835', 'p', '32', '0', '','SAJIN K C','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9741525677', 'p', '32', '0', '','DEEPA NAGARAJAN','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9845754515', 'p', '32', '0', '','RAVIKUMAR DEVARAPALLI','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9538888835', 'p', '32', '0', '','P B V DORABABU','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9538882180', 'p', '32', '0', '','G RAMAKRISHNA','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','7387737776', 'p', '32', '0', '','VIKASH BEHARI','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:44 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:45 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:45 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:45 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9448938701', 'p', '32', '0', '','B M SHIVA SHANKER','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:45 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:45 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:45 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:45 pm
INSERT INTO `voice_compaign_detail_1236` (`compaign_id`, `mobile_no`, `status`, `api_id`, `whitelist_status`, `unique_id`,`name`,`DOB`,`address`, `info`) VALUES ('1236','9845881651', 'p', '32', '0', '','RAGHAVENDRA RAO R','','', '') before INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:45 pm after INSERT DETAIL 05-Oct-2024 07:02:45 pm before BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:45 pm after BLACKLIST_CONTASTS 05-Oct-2024 07:02:45 pm
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