cron_allot_gateway_include SELECT * FROM `voice_compaign_summary` WHERE status='V' AND alloted_apis='' AND occupied=0 AND compaign_id='22597' LIMIT 1 SQL_GSELECT voice_gateway_id FROM voice_gateways_of_user WHERE status=1 AND user_id='sr165' AND voice_gateway_id IN(SELECT id FROM `voice_gateways` WHERE FIND_IN_SET ('10', `voice_plan_id`) AND status=1 AND isDeleted=0 AND api_owner_id='admin' ORDER BY todays_credits/channels) user dedicated gateway <pre/>Array ( ) user gatway is empty isReserved : 0 <br>SELECT id FROM `voice_gateways` WHERE FIND_IN_SET ('10', `voice_plan_id`) AND isDedicated=0 AND isReserve=0 AND status=1 AND isDeleted=0 AND api_owner_id='admin' ORDER BY todays_credits/channels plan gateways <pre/>Array ( [0] => 32 [1] => 33 [2] => 34 ) 1 Delivery Cli=>static XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------BELOW GATEWAY DETAIL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<pre/>Array ( [32] => Array ( [id] => 32 [gateway_id] => 32 [owner_id] => 100001 [token] => luroekngnkvsaguut7t09439 [post_url] => [speed_per_minute] => 70000 [rabitmq_host] => [rabitmq_port] => 5672 [rabitmq_user] => noderabbit [rabitmq_pass] => saf8777JJKk76KK [rabitmq_sending_queue] => QCall_v60_32 [rabitmq_reporting_queue] => QReport_v60_32 [rabitmq_queue_status] => 1 [create_date] => 1727844087 [create_by] => admin [update_date] => 1727844136 [update_by] => admin ) ) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------BELOW GATEWAY INFO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<pre/>Array ( [32] => Array ( [id] => 32 [name] => V142 - Promo Active -01 [voice_plan_id] => 2,9,10,27,44,52,53 [gateway_cli] => +911409131850 [cli_prefix] => +91 [channels] => 500 [gateway_pulse] => 30 [gateway_ring_time] => 30 [max_cron] => 10 [gateway_type] => si [isReserve] => 0 [isDedicated] => 0 [create_date] => 1727844087 [create_by] => admin [status] => 1 [isDeleted] => 0 [update_date] => 1735298207 [update_by] => admin17 [api_owner_id] => admin [total_credits] => 7420560 [total_contacts] => 6794103 [total_compaigns] => 3602 [active_credits] => 6794103 [todays_credits] => 0 [todays_time] => 1739212200 ) ) i am here IN SI <pre/>Array ( [post_url] => [announcement_path] => [owner_id] => 100001 [token] => luroekngnkvsaguut7t09439 ) <pre/>Array ( [post_url] => [announcement_path] => [owner_id] => 100001 [token] => luroekngnkvsaguut7t09439 ) <pre/>Array ( [announcement_path] => [owner_id] => 100001 [token] => luroekngnkvsaguut7t09439 ) {"status":"success","code":"000","desc":"Announcement Uploaded Successfully","data":{"announcement_name":"1738937010_sr165_voice.wav"}} upload annuncment response : {"status":"success","code":"000","desc":"Announcement Uploaded Successfully","data":{"announcement_name":"1738937010_sr165_voice.wav"}} gateway size : 1 159/1 update voice_compaign_summary set alloted_apis='[{"cli":"","g_id":"32"}]', api_type='S', api_channels='', action_time='{"api_allot_time":1739242030}', common_name='sr165_22597_11022025_081709AM_679',`duplicate_sms`='0',`remote_group_id`='0',`remote_recording_id`='0', credits_per_sms='1' WHERE compaign_id='22597' LIMIT 1